In addition to their owned sites, Asquith Nurseries manage a number of Nurseries and Crèches located within David Lloyd Leisure Clubs.
The nurseries offer the same stimulating and caring environment that all Asquith Nurseries pride themselves on, and parents don’t need to be members of the David Lloyd Club to register their child.
Asquith Crèches aim to provide a first class service where children are cared for in a safe, happy and structured environment by an experienced team of staff, while parents make use of the club facilities. Parents who wish to use the crèches must be members of the David Lloyd Club, and need to stay on the premises.
The crèches are open Mondays to Fridays 9am to 5pm, 51 weeks of the year.
Saturdays 10am – 4pm*
Sundays and Bank Holidays 10am – 2pm*
*These times may vary slightly, check with your local club.
It is best to book well in advance, and each booking can be for min. 1 hour to max. 2 hours. Please contact your nearest crèche for details of hourly rates.
To find your nearest Asquith Crèche within a David Lloyd Club, click here.
For more information about David Lloyd leisure clubs, click here.